Believe In You


Stress & Anxiety have now taken over as the number 1 reason to
visit your GP. Would you like to understand where your stress and
anxiety are coming from? Would you like to know the simple
solution to a stress and anxious free way of living? Then just click
on the chance to change link to find out more. You are only one
click away from the beginning of a whole new way of living life on
your terms.




A Whole New World Of Possibility

Resource library

In the resource library you will find instant downloadable resources designed to support you in your everyday living.

Group COurses

Group sessions are a great way to explore and discover where our similar experiences of life are coming from.

1-1 Courses

1-1 sessions are bespoke and personally tailored to suit the individual. Tell me what you want.

Business Courses

Businesses across the globe lose billions in revenue annually due to high levels of stress and anxiety

Help To Calm Your Anxious Mind

What do you do if anxiety is running your life? It was something I really wanted to know how to solve too. But there was a problem…. you see I tried everything… I bought courses…. I read books I watched tons of videos I read loads of blog posts and articles… And despite doing all of that I still didn’t manage to get any clearer in my head… I felt stupid, angry, frustrated and constantly anxious.. After all everyone else seemed to be telling me it was “easy” 

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It didn’t seem easy to me and it was time to stop my anxious brain from spinning… And the way to stop is to understand that it’s not your job to “control” everything… yes you need to be aware when your thinking is starting to take control… yes you need to be aware when your feeling anxious…. It’s not your job to control your thoughts…. and thinking it is will lead to burnout…. Don’t worry you don’t need to be stuck like this….it’s as temporary as a cloud covering the sun…. and It’s not your job to push the clouds away, they just role on by in their own time. once you understand that it’s not your job to fix it, the anxiety just clears itself and disappears.,, I really hope this helps you…. because if you truly get what i’m saying here…. You’ll never need to try and fix it again…. where it’s taken me a longtime to figure this thing out… if you want to shortcut that journey and put an end to your anxious thinking, click on the link below for more solutions to this issue.

The Real Secret To Weight Management

Have you ever wondered why no matter how hard you try sticking to a diet you seem to put weight on. Yeah at first you lose some weight but then it just creeps back on and you add a few more pounds too. If so you’re not alone, I’d say this is a challenge that lots of people trying to lose weight face and it can be so frustrating. Maybe like others you’re struggling with finding time to cook healthy meals, or facing an uphill battle trying to deal with temptation when eating out. Before I tell you what you need to do to solve this challenge, A WARNING! This exists because you’re taking in information from too many sources. Newspapers, Blogposts, internet sites etc. you’re overwhelming yourself with contradictory opinions, often from experts or media outlets with agendas. 

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If you are ready to stop dieting for ever here’s a couple of tips you can do to start with. 1. Throw out all the junk food in your cupboard and only have a treat when you’re at a restaurant. You see for many of us it’s temptation that kills the result. We’re tempted to eat whatever is in the house or we are tight for time and can’t be bothered to cook. 2. Diets can make us feel that we are depriving ourselves of something and unconsciously we believe that is true and eat whatever we can find to satisfy that. We go to restaurants and feel we’re missing out. If you get a handle on temptation and deprivation you will instantly eliminate 2 of the biggest reasons people fail on a diet. So are you ready to go test this for yourself? Go for it, you’ve nothing to lose. Except the excess weight of course. Find this useful? Click on the link for more solutions to improve your health and wellbeing.

Learn How To Dissolve Stress

Have you ever wondered why life always feels stressful? If so, you’re not alone… feeling the stress in everyday life is a very human experience…. And it can be so frustrating… maybe like others you feel stressed about your job… or your health… or your kids… or your partner…. I know this problem too… It wasn’t too long ago I was really struggling with the stress of a life threatening illness… i’d wake up in the morning thinking about it…. It would be stressing me out for most of the day… it’d still be there when I was getting ready for bed and sometimes i’d fall asleep from sheer exhaustion….I desperately wanted to break free from this feeling of helplessness because I just didn’t want to be unwell and felt I had no control…. the good news is…. feeling stress is not your fault…. it’s a very natural and normal emotion that every single human being on the planet feels at some point during life…..

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So the thing you need to do is understand the effects stress has on the body and how you can manage it…. Once you understand that… what you do next just makes perfect sense…. What we do instead is we hide our emotions from people…. we tell little white lies and act like everything is fine when it is not… And this means no one has any idea how we really feel. If you’re thinking right now.. I know I probably need to make a change.. but how? The secret to dealing with stress is to recognise when you feel it… notice where you feel it in your body…. get comfortable just sitting with it and make no attempt to bat it away…Once you start noticing where you feel stress, you’ll start to look for the things that bring the stress into being for you…. If that was helpful then just take these simple actions I’ve outlined in this section, that way you never need to struggle with stress again because you have a new way of working with it… Was this helpful? just click on the link below for more stress free solutions.

Get A Goodnight’s Sleep

Are you struggling to fall asleep at night? Or do you drop off easily but then wake up and then can’t seem to fall back over. You’ve tried counting sheep, not thinking about tomorrow, trying to focus on just closing your eyes and telling yourself to sleep, however your mind won’t stop chattering. Well you’re not alone, millions of people become more irritated and tired during the day due to poor quality sleep patterns. But here’s something really interesting… studies have shown that it’s because the blue light found in phones, tablets and TV’s trick the brain into thinking it’s morning again. even if it’s night time. so you end up going to bed… not sleeping properly… Because your brain’s not switching off the way it should do… So what’s the answer to this challenge? 

Well all you need to do is switch off all electronic devices 2 hours before bed.. That will mean you’re brain isn’t tricked by the dreaded blue light into thinking it’s morning time. You’ll have a chance to wind down before you go to bed and the right brain chemicals will kick in… Just doing that will mean that you finally begin to wake up feeling rested, energised and ready to take on the day… Want more ideas for solutions to improve the quality and length of your sleep time? Just click on the Sleep solutions button below.

Quit The Habit FOREVER

In the early part of the 21st century the World Health Organisation (WHO) said that a billion people could die of smoking related illness before the end of this century. Smoking for most people begins when they are in there teenage years. How long have you been a smoker? Are you Ready to quit FOREVER? Then read on. As human beings we have an outstanding ability for developing brilliant habits and the more we practice the better we get, for example; walking, talking, riding a bike, driving a car, washing, brushing our teeth etc. unfortunately for us sometimes we develop unwanted habits and believe we can’t stop. 

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So for example smoking cigarettes, biting our nails etc. The truth is for someone who has a 30 a day habit and sleeps 8 hours a night, that’s approximately a cigarette every 32 minutes during waking hours. To remember to do something consciously every 32 minutes is no easy thing to do. At todays prices thats approx £20 per day or £140 per week or £7,000 a year, over 5 years is £35,000. What could you do with £35k in 5 years time if instead of inhaling it in the form of cigarettes you invested it for the future. A brand new car, a holiday of a lifetime, pay off a chunk of your mortgage. If you are serious about quitting and are fed up with your clothes smelling of smoke, standing in the cold and rain just to have a cigarette, the smelling breath, the stained teeth and fingers, the list goes on. So no more cigarettes, no replacement patches, no chewing gum and certainly no swapping over to vaping. Then click on the link to find the solution to breaking the smoking habit FOREVER!

Get The Keys To Freedom

We all do it, and it keeps us up at night. That desire to stop wasting your life. to finally start living on your terms. free from stress, free from anxiety. The problem is you can’t seem to shake off the stress or anxiety, no matter what you do it just follows you around… And each time you think you’ve kicked it, it comes back again. A situation triggers it and you think. “Oh no not again” The stomach churns, the palms sweat and you feel so frustrated and desperate to overcome this horrible anxiety for good. So finally, you can live without being held back by this mental prison. Here’s the scary part. Most people stay trapped here, sometimes forever, because they’ve lost touch with the love they have for life and what they originally wanted their life to turn out like. 

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The excitement of doing what you want. The carefree way of living the life you dreamed of. they’re long gone. Instead they’ve been replaced with the hamster wheel of life, work and the responsibilities of adulthood, kids etc. That’s all that’s happened and you’ve lost touch with those old feelings and desires for life. So how do you get the keys to unlock all the resources you have inside? Well the answer is you already have them, you just can’t see them because they have been buried beneath all the negative emotions, anxieties, limiting beliefs and negative thoughts that you and anyone else ever placed on you. With state- of- the- art 1-1 or group sessions, In just 8 weeks I will give you the keys to freedom. I’ll show you how to change how you see your thoughts, emotions & potential. i’ll then change your reaction and response to challenges & anxiety. I’ll help you change the way you see the past, future & trying to control the world around you. we’ll change the way you make decisions about problems or dreams. Change the level of contentment and inner piece you feel and change your relationship with other people. If you’re ready to make the change or want to find out more, click on the Freedom Solutions button below and change your life forever.

State-Of-The-Art Group Work


SHIFTS 1,2,3

Change how you see your thoughts, emotions & your potential. We then change how you react & respond to Challenges & Stress

SHIFTS 4 & 5

Change the way you see the past, future and trying to control the world around you. Then we change the way you make decisions about problems or dreams.

SHIFTS 6 & 7

Change the level of contentment and inner piece you feel before changing your relationship with other people.

My Clients Love The Change


After four and a half years of motorway avoidance, you got me back on it in less than half an hour! You are a lovely guy and an amazing therapist! Thank you so much the difference this is making in my life is unbelievable!

Nicola xx

For someone to go inside your mind and remove your negative thoughts and worries for you is absolutely phenomenal. Most importantly, for someone to even allow you to sleep more contentedly at night makes me lost for words.

Morgan xx

Hi Tommy. I just wanted to thank you for giving me my life back, I wasn’t expecting it to work so quickly so thank you.

Rebecca xx


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